Class Code

  extended by serp.bytecode.Attributes
      extended by serp.bytecode.Attribute
          extended by serp.bytecode.Code
All Implemented Interfaces:
BCEntity, VisitAcceptor

public class Code
extends Attribute

Representation of a code block of a class. The methods of this class mimic those of the same name in the ListIterator class. Note that the size and index information of the code block will change as opcodes are added.

Code blocks are usually obtained from a BCMethod, but can also be constructed via the default constructor. Blocks created this way can be used to provide template instructions to the various search/replace methods in this class.

The code class contains methods named after most JVM instructions, each of which adds the matching opcode to the code block at the current iterator position. It also contains generic versions of various JVM instructions whose opcodes are not set until their properties are set with additional information. Almost all instruction types are able to 'morph' their opcode on the fly as the arguments to the instruction change. Thus the developer can initially call, for example, the aload opcode, but later change the type to load to int and the opcode will automatically morph to the iload opcode.

Abe White

Constructor Summary
          The public constructor is for creating template code modules that produce Instructions used in matching through the various search and replace methods.
Method Summary
 ArrayLoadInstruction aaload()
          Load an object array value onto the stack; the aaload opcode.
 ArrayStoreInstruction aastore()
          Store an object value from the stack into an array; the aastore opcode.
 void acceptVisit(BCVisitor visit)
          Accept a visit from a BCVisitor, calling the appropriate methods to notify the visitor that it has entered this entity, and to provide it with the proper callbacks for each sub-entity owned by this one.
 Instruction add(Instruction ins)
          Adds a copy of the given instruction.
 ExceptionHandler addExceptionHandler()
          Add an exception handler to this code block.
 ExceptionHandler addExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler handler)
          Import the given exception handler from another code block.
 ExceptionHandler addExceptionHandler(Instruction tryStart, Instruction tryEnd, Instruction handlerStart, BCClass catchType)
          Add an exception handler to this code block.
 ExceptionHandler addExceptionHandler(Instruction tryStart, Instruction tryEnd, Instruction handlerStart, Class catchType)
          Add an exception handler to this code block.
 ExceptionHandler addExceptionHandler(Instruction tryStart, Instruction tryEnd, Instruction handlerStart, String catchType)
          Add an exception handler to this code block.
 void after(Instruction ins)
          Position the iterator just after the given instruction.
 void after(int index)
          Place the iterator after the given list index.
 void afterLast()
          Set the position of the instruction iterator to after the last opcode.
 LoadInstruction aload()
          Load an object local variable onto the stack.
 ClassInstruction anew()
          Create a new instance of an object; the new opcode.
 ClassInstruction anewarray()
          Create a new instance of an object array; the anew opcode.
 ReturnInstruction areturn()
          Return an object from a method; the areturn opcode.
 Instruction arraylength()
          Get the length of an array on the stack; the arraylength opcode.
 StoreInstruction astore()
          Store an object value from the stack into a local variable.
 Instruction athrow()
          Throw an exception; the athrow opcode.
 ArrayLoadInstruction baload()
          Load a byte array value onto the stack; the baload opcode.
 ArrayStoreInstruction bastore()
          Store a byte value from the stack into an array; the bastore opcode.
 void before(Instruction ins)
          Position the iterator just before the given instruction.
 void before(int index)
          Place the iterator before the given list index.
 void beforeFirst()
          Reset the position of the instruction iterator to the first opcode.
 void calculateMaxLocals()
          Calculate and set the number of locals needed based on the instructions used and the parameters of the method this code block is a part of.
 void calculateMaxStack()
          Calculate and set the maximum stack depth needed for the instructions used.
 ArrayLoadInstruction caload()
          Load a char array value onto the stack; the caload opcode.
 ArrayStoreInstruction castore()
          Store a char value from the stack into an array; the castore opcode.
 ClassInstruction checkcast()
          Cast an object on the stack to another type; the checkcast opcode.
 ClassConstantInstruction classconstant()
          Load a class constant onto the stack.
 void clearExceptionHandlers()
          Clear all exception handlers.
 ConstantInstruction constant()
          Load some constant onto the stack.
 ConvertInstruction convert()
          Convert the top stack value to another type.
 MathInstruction dadd()
          Add the top two stack double values; the dadd opcode.
 ArrayLoadInstruction daload()
          Load a double array value onto the stack; the daload opcode.
 ArrayStoreInstruction dastore()
          Store a double value from the stack into an array; the dastore opcode.
 CmpInstruction dcmpg()
          Compare the top two stack values; the dcmpg opcode.
 CmpInstruction dcmpl()
          Compare the top two stack values; the dcmpl opcode.
 MathInstruction ddiv()
          Divide the top two stack double values; the ddiv opcode.
 LoadInstruction dload()
          Load a double local variable onto the stack.
 MathInstruction dmul()
          Multiply the top two stack double values; the dmul opcode.
 MathInstruction dneg()
          Negate the top stack double value; the dneg opcode.
 MathInstruction drem()
          Take the remainder of the top two double stack values; the drem opcode.
 ReturnInstruction dreturn()
          Return a double from a method; the dreturn opcode.
 StoreInstruction dstore()
          Store a double value from the stack into a local variable.
 MathInstruction dsub()
          Subtract the top two stack double values; the dsub opcode.
 StackInstruction dup()
          The dup opcode.
 StackInstruction dup2()
          The dup2 opcode.
 StackInstruction dup2x1()
          The dup2x1 opcode.
 StackInstruction dup2x2()
          The dup2x2 opcode.
 StackInstruction dupx1()
          The dupx1 opcode.
 StackInstruction dupx2()
          The dupx2 opcode.
 MathInstruction fadd()
          Add the top two stack float values; the fadd opcode.
 ArrayLoadInstruction faload()
          Load a float array value onto the stack; the faload opcode.
 ArrayStoreInstruction fastore()
          Store a float value from the stack into an array; the fastore opcode.
 CmpInstruction fcmpg()
          Compare the top two stack values; the fcmpg opcode.
 CmpInstruction fcmpl()
          Compare the top two stack values; the fcmpl opcode.
 MathInstruction fdiv()
          Divide the top two stack float values; the fdiv opcode.
 LoadInstruction fload()
          Load a float local variable onto the stack.
 MathInstruction fmul()
          Multiply the top two stack float values; the fmul opcode.
 MathInstruction fneg()
          Negate the top stack float value; the fneg opcode.
 MathInstruction frem()
          Take the remainder of the top two float stack values; the frem opcode.
 ReturnInstruction freturn()
          Return a float from a method; the freturn opcode.
 StoreInstruction fstore()
          Store a float value from the stack into a local variable.
 MathInstruction fsub()
          Subtract the top two stack float values; the fsub opcode.
 ExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler(BCClass catchType)
          Return the exception handler that catches the given exception type; if multiple handlers catch the given type, which is returned is undefined.
 ExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler(Class catchType)
          Return the exception handler that catches the given exception type; if multiple handlers catch the given type, which is returned is undefined.
 ExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler(String catchType)
          Return the exception handler that catches the given exception type; if multiple handlers catch the given type, which is returned is undefined.
 ExceptionHandler[] getExceptionHandlers()
          Return the exception handlers active in this code block, or an empty array if none.
 ExceptionHandler[] getExceptionHandlers(BCClass catchType)
          Return all exception handlers that catch the given exception type, or an empty array if none.
 ExceptionHandler[] getExceptionHandlers(Class catchType)
          Return all exception handlers that catch the given exception type, or an empty array if none.
 ExceptionHandler[] getExceptionHandlers(String catchType)
          Return all exception handlers that catch the given exception type, or an empty array if none.
 GetFieldInstruction getfield()
          Load the value from a field onto the stack; the getfield opcode.
 Instruction[] getInstructions()
          Return all the Instructions of this method.
 LineNumberTable getLineNumberTable(boolean add)
          Return line number information for the code.
 int getLocalsIndex(int paramIndex)
          Return the local variable index for the paramIndex'th parameter to the method.
 LocalVariableTable getLocalVariableTable(boolean add)
          Return local variable information for the code.
 LocalVariableTypeTable getLocalVariableTypeTable(boolean add)
          Return local variable generics information for the code.
 int getMaxLocals()
          Return the maximum number of local variables (including params) set for this method.
 int getMaxStack()
          Return the maximum stack depth set for this code block.
 BCMethod getMethod()
          The owning method.
 int getNextLocalsIndex()
          Return the next available local variable index.
 int getParamsIndex(int localIndex)
          Return the parameter index for the given local index, or -1 if the given local does not reference a param.
 GetFieldInstruction getstatic()
          Load the value from a static field onto the stack; the getstatic opcode.
 JumpInstruction go2()
          The go2 opcode.
 boolean hasNext()
          Return true if a subsequent call to next() will return an instruction.
 boolean hasPrevious()
          Return true if a subsequent call to previous() will return an instruction.
 MathInstruction iadd()
          Add the top two stack int values; the iadd opcode.
 ArrayLoadInstruction iaload()
          Load an int array value onto the stack; the iaload opcode.
 MathInstruction iand()
          Take the mathematical and of the top two stack int values; the iand opcode.
 ArrayStoreInstruction iastore()
          Store an int value from the stack into an array; the iastore opcode.
 MathInstruction idiv()
          Divide the top two stack int values; the idiv opcode.
 IfInstruction ifacmpeq()
          The ifacmpeq opcode.
 IfInstruction ifacmpne()
          The ifacmpne opcode.
 IfInstruction ifeq()
          The ifeq opcode.
 IfInstruction ifge()
          The ifge opcode.
 IfInstruction ifgt()
          The ifgt opcode.
 IfInstruction ificmpeq()
          The ificmpeq opcode.
 IfInstruction ificmpge()
          The ificmpge opcode.
 IfInstruction ificmpgt()
          The ificmpgt opcode.
 IfInstruction ificmple()
          The ificmple opcode.
 IfInstruction ificmplt()
          The ificmplt opcode.
 IfInstruction ificmpne()
          The ificmpne opcode.
 IfInstruction ifle()
          The ifle opcode.
 IfInstruction iflt()
          The iflt opcode.
 IfInstruction ifne()
          The ifne opcode.
 IfInstruction ifnonnull()
          The ifnonnull opcode.
 IfInstruction ifnull()
          The ifnull opcode.
 IIncInstruction iinc()
          Add the iinc opcode.
 LoadInstruction iload()
          Load an int local variable onto the stack.
 MathInstruction imul()
          Multiply the top two stack int values; the imul opcode.
 MathInstruction ineg()
          Negate the top stack int value; the ineg opcode.
 MethodInstruction invokeinterface()
          Invoke a method on an interface; the invokeinterface opcode.
 MethodInstruction invokespecial()
          Invoke a method non-virtually, as for constructors and superclass methods; the invokespecial opcode.
 MethodInstruction invokestatic()
          Invoke a static method; the invokestatic opcode.
 MethodInstruction invokevirtual()
          Invoke a virtual method; the invokevirtual opcode.
 MathInstruction ior()
          Take the mathematical or of the top two stack int values; the ior opcode.
 MathInstruction irem()
          Take the remainder of the top two int stack values; the irem opcode.
 ReturnInstruction ireturn()
          Return an int from a method; the ireturn opcode.
 MathInstruction ishl()
          Shift the top stack int values; the ishl opcode.
 MathInstruction ishr()
          Shift the top stack int values; the ishr opcode.
 ClassInstruction isinstance()
          Test if a stack object is an instance of a class; the instanceof opcode.
 StoreInstruction istore()
          Store an int value from the stack into a local variable.
 MathInstruction isub()
          Subtract the top two stack int values; the isub opcode.
 MathInstruction iushr()
          Shift the top stack int values; the iushr opcode.
 MathInstruction ixor()
          Take the mathematical xor of the top two stack int values; the ixor opcode.
 JumpInstruction jsr()
          The jsr opcode used in implementing finally clauses.
 MathInstruction ladd()
          Add the top two stack long values; the ladd opcode.
 ArrayLoadInstruction laload()
          Load a long array value onto the stack; the laload opcode.
 MathInstruction land()
          Take the mathematical and of the top two stack long values; the land opcode.
 ArrayStoreInstruction lastore()
          Store a long value from the stack into an array; the lastore opcode.
 CmpInstruction lcmp()
          Compare the top two stack values; the lcmp opcode.
 MathInstruction ldiv()
          Divide the top two stack long values; the ldiv opcode.
 ListIterator listIterator()
          Returns another listIterator view of the Instructions in this code block.
 LoadInstruction lload()
          Load a long local variable onto the stack.
 MathInstruction lmul()
          Multiply the top two stack long values; the lmul opcode.
 MathInstruction lneg()
          Negate the top stack long value; the lneg opcode.
 LookupSwitchInstruction lookupswitch()
          The lookupswitch opcode.
 MathInstruction lor()
          Take the mathematical or of the top two stack long values; the lor opcode.
 MathInstruction lrem()
          Take the remainder of the top two long stack values; the lrem opcode.
 ReturnInstruction lreturn()
          Return a long from a method; the lreturn opcode.
 MathInstruction lshl()
          Shift the top stack long values; the lshl opcode.
 MathInstruction lshr()
          Shift the top stack long values; the lshr opcode.
 StoreInstruction lstore()
          Store a long value from the stack into a local variable.
 MathInstruction lsub()
          Subtract the top two stack long values; the lsub opcode.
 MathInstruction lushr()
          Shift the top stack long values; the lushr opcode.
 MathInstruction lxor()
          Take the mathematical xor of the top two stack long values; the lxor opcode.
 MathInstruction math()
          Perform some math operation on the stack items.
 MonitorEnterInstruction monitorenter()
          The monitorenter opcode.
 MonitorExitInstruction monitorexit()
          The monitorexit opcode.
 MultiANewArrayInstruction multianewarray()
          Create a new multidimensional array; the multianewarray opcode.
 NewArrayInstruction newarray()
          Create a new array of a primitive type; the newarray opcode.
 Instruction next()
          Return the next instruction.
 int nextIndex()
          Return the index of the next instruction, or size() if at end.
 Instruction nop()
          Add the nop opcode.
 StackInstruction pop()
          The pop opcode.
 StackInstruction pop2()
          The pop2 opcode.
 Instruction previous()
          Return the previous instruction.
 int previousIndex()
          Return the index of the previous instruction, or -1 if at beginning.
 PutFieldInstruction putfield()
          Place the value of a field onto the stack; the putfield opcode.
 PutFieldInstruction putstatic()
          Place the value of a static field onto the stack; the putstatic opcode.
 void remove()
          Remove the last iterated instruction.
 boolean removeExceptionHandler(BCClass catchType)
          Remove the exception handler that catches the given type.
 boolean removeExceptionHandler(Class catchType)
          Remove the exception handler that catches the given type.
 boolean removeExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler handler)
          Remove an exception handler from this code block.
 boolean removeExceptionHandler(String catchType)
          Remove the exception handler that catches the given type.
 boolean removeLineNumberTable()
          Remove the line number table for the code.
 boolean removeLocalVariableTables()
          Remove the local variable table for the code.
 boolean removeLocalVariableTypeTables()
          Remove the local variable type table for the code.
 int replace(Instruction[] templates, Instruction[] with)
          Equivalent to looping over each given template/replacement pair and calling replace(Instruction,Instruction) for each.
 int replace(Instruction template, Instruction with)
          Replaces all the instructions in this code block that match the given template with the given instruction.
 RetInstruction ret()
          Add the ret opcode, used in implementing finally clauses.
 ArrayLoadInstruction saload()
          Load a short array value onto the stack; the saload opcode.
 ArrayStoreInstruction sastore()
          Store a short value from the stack into an array; the sastore opcode.
 boolean searchBackward(Instruction template)
          Find the closest previous instruction from the current iterator position that matches the given one, according to the Object.equals(java.lang.Object) methods of the instruction types.
 boolean searchForward(Instruction template)
          Find the next instruction from the current iterator position that matches the given one, according to the Object.equals(java.lang.Object) methods of the instruction types.
 Instruction set(Instruction ins)
          Replaces the last iterated instruction with a copy of the given one.
 void setExceptionHandlers(ExceptionHandler[] handlers)
          Set the exception handlers for this code block.
 void setMaxLocals(int max)
          Set the maximum number of local variables (including params) in this method.
 void setMaxStack(int max)
          Set the maximum stack depth for this code block.
 int size()
          Return the number of instructions in the method.
 StackInstruction swap()
          The swap opcode.
 TableSwitchInstruction tableswitch()
          The tableswitch opcode.
 ReturnInstruction vreturn()
          Return void from a method; the return opcode.
 WideInstruction wide()
          Add the wide opcode.
 MathInstruction xadd()
          Add the top two stack values.
 ArrayLoadInstruction xaload()
          Load an array value onto the stack.
 MathInstruction xand()
          Take the mathematical and of the top two stack values.
 ArrayStoreInstruction xastore()
          Store a value from the stack into an array.
 CmpInstruction xcmp()
          Compare the top two stack values.
 MathInstruction xdiv()
          Divide the top two stack values.
 LoadInstruction xload()
          Load a local variable onto the stack.
 MathInstruction xmul()
          Multiply the top two stack values.
 MathInstruction xneg()
          Negate the top stack value.
 MathInstruction xor()
          Take the mathematical or of the top two stack values.
 MathInstruction xrem()
          Take the remainder of the top two stack values.
 ReturnInstruction xreturn()
          Return from a method.
 MathInstruction xshl()
          Shift the top stack values.
 MathInstruction xshr()
          Shift the top stack values.
 StoreInstruction xstore()
          Store a value from the stack into a local variable.
 MathInstruction xsub()
          Subtract the top two stack values.
 MathInstruction xushr()
          Shift the top stack values.
 MathInstruction xxor()
          Take the mathematical xor of the top two stack values.
Methods inherited from class serp.bytecode.Attribute
getClassLoader, getName, getNameIndex, getOwner, getPool, getProject, isValid
Methods inherited from class serp.bytecode.Attributes
addAttribute, addAttribute, clearAttributes, getAttribute, getAttributes, getAttributes, removeAttribute, removeAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Code()
The public constructor is for creating template code modules that produce Instructions used in matching through the various search and replace methods.

Method Detail


public BCMethod getMethod()
The owning method.


public int getMaxStack()
Return the maximum stack depth set for this code block.


public void setMaxStack(int max)
Set the maximum stack depth for this code block.


public int getMaxLocals()
Return the maximum number of local variables (including params) set for this method.


public void setMaxLocals(int max)
Set the maximum number of local variables (including params) in this method.


public int getLocalsIndex(int paramIndex)
Return the local variable index for the paramIndex'th parameter to the method. Local variable indexes differ from parameter indexes because: a) non-static methods use the 0th local variable for the 'this' ptr, and b) double and long values occupy two spots in the local variable array. Returns -1 if the given index is not valid.


public int getParamsIndex(int localIndex)
Return the parameter index for the given local index, or -1 if the given local does not reference a param.

See Also:


public int getNextLocalsIndex()
Return the next available local variable index.


public void calculateMaxLocals()
Calculate and set the number of locals needed based on the instructions used and the parameters of the method this code block is a part of.

See Also:


public void calculateMaxStack()
Calculate and set the maximum stack depth needed for the instructions used.

See Also:


public ExceptionHandler[] getExceptionHandlers()
Return the exception handlers active in this code block, or an empty array if none.


public ExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler(String catchType)
Return the exception handler that catches the given exception type; if multiple handlers catch the given type, which is returned is undefined.


public ExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler(Class catchType)
Return the exception handler that catches the given exception type; if multiple handlers catch the given type, which is returned is undefined.


public ExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler(BCClass catchType)
Return the exception handler that catches the given exception type; if multiple handlers catch the given type, which is returned is undefined.


public ExceptionHandler[] getExceptionHandlers(String catchType)
Return all exception handlers that catch the given exception type, or an empty array if none.


public ExceptionHandler[] getExceptionHandlers(Class catchType)
Return all exception handlers that catch the given exception type, or an empty array if none.


public ExceptionHandler[] getExceptionHandlers(BCClass catchType)
Return all exception handlers that catch the given exception type, or an empty array if none.


public void setExceptionHandlers(ExceptionHandler[] handlers)
Set the exception handlers for this code block. This method is useful for importing all handlers from another code block. Set to null or empty array if none.


public ExceptionHandler addExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler handler)
Import the given exception handler from another code block.


public ExceptionHandler addExceptionHandler()
Add an exception handler to this code block.


public ExceptionHandler addExceptionHandler(Instruction tryStart,
                                            Instruction tryEnd,
                                            Instruction handlerStart,
                                            String catchType)
Add an exception handler to this code block.

tryStart - the first instruction of the try {} block
tryEnd - the last instruction of the try {} block
handlerStart - the first instruction of the catch {} block
catchType - the type of exception being caught


public ExceptionHandler addExceptionHandler(Instruction tryStart,
                                            Instruction tryEnd,
                                            Instruction handlerStart,
                                            Class catchType)
Add an exception handler to this code block.

tryStart - the first instruction of the try {} block
tryEnd - the last instruction of the try {} block
handlerStart - the first instruction of the catch {} block
catchType - the type of exception being caught


public ExceptionHandler addExceptionHandler(Instruction tryStart,
                                            Instruction tryEnd,
                                            Instruction handlerStart,
                                            BCClass catchType)
Add an exception handler to this code block.

tryStart - the first instruction of the try {} block
tryEnd - the last instruction of the try {} block
handlerStart - the first instruction of the catch {} block
catchType - the type of exception being caught


public void clearExceptionHandlers()
Clear all exception handlers.


public boolean removeExceptionHandler(String catchType)
Remove the exception handler that catches the given type.


public boolean removeExceptionHandler(Class catchType)
Remove the exception handler that catches the given type.

true if the handler was removed, false otherwise


public boolean removeExceptionHandler(BCClass catchType)
Remove the exception handler that catches the given type.

true if the handler was removed, false otherwise


public boolean removeExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler handler)
Remove an exception handler from this code block. The given handler must belong to this code block.


public int size()
Return the number of instructions in the method.


public void beforeFirst()
Reset the position of the instruction iterator to the first opcode.


public void afterLast()
Set the position of the instruction iterator to after the last opcode.


public void before(Instruction ins)
Position the iterator just before the given instruction. The instruction must belong to this method.


public void after(Instruction ins)
Position the iterator just after the given instruction. The instruction must belong to this method.


public boolean hasNext()
Return true if a subsequent call to next() will return an instruction.


public boolean hasPrevious()
Return true if a subsequent call to previous() will return an instruction.


public Instruction next()
Return the next instruction.


public int nextIndex()
Return the index of the next instruction, or size() if at end.


public Instruction previous()
Return the previous instruction.


public int previousIndex()
Return the index of the previous instruction, or -1 if at beginning.


public void before(int index)
Place the iterator before the given list index.


public void after(int index)
Place the iterator after the given list index.


public boolean searchForward(Instruction template)
Find the next instruction from the current iterator position that matches the given one, according to the Object.equals(java.lang.Object) methods of the instruction types. This allows for matching based on template instructions, as the equals methods of most instructions return true if the information for the given instruction has not been filled in. If a match is found, the iterator is placed after the matching Instruction. If no match is found, moves the iterator to afterLast().

true if match found


public boolean searchBackward(Instruction template)
Find the closest previous instruction from the current iterator position that matches the given one, according to the Object.equals(java.lang.Object) methods of the instruction types. This allows for matching based on template instructions, as the equals methods of most instructions return true if the information for the given instruction has not been filled in. If a match is found, the iterator is placed before the matching Instruction. If no match is found, moves the iterator to beforeFirst().

true if match found


public Instruction add(Instruction ins)
Adds a copy of the given instruction.

the newly added instruction


public Instruction set(Instruction ins)
Replaces the last iterated instruction with a copy of the given one. This method will also make sure that all jump points that referenced the old opcode are updated correctly.

the newly added instruction
See Also:


public int replace(Instruction template,
                   Instruction with)
Replaces all the instructions in this code block that match the given template with the given instruction. After this method, the iterator will be afterLast().

the number of substitutions made


public int replace(Instruction[] templates,
                   Instruction[] with)
Equivalent to looping over each given template/replacement pair and calling replace(Instruction,Instruction) for each.


public void remove()
Remove the last iterated instruction.

See Also:


public ClassConstantInstruction classconstant()
Load a class constant onto the stack. For primitive types, this translates into a getstatic for the TYPE field of the primitive's wrapper type. For non-primitives, things get much more complex. Suffice it to say that the operation involves adding synthetic static fields and even methods to the class. Note that this instruction requires up to 3 stack positions to execute.


public Instruction nop()
Add the nop opcode.


public ConstantInstruction constant()
Load some constant onto the stack. The ConstantInstruction type takes any constant and correctly translates it into the proper opcode, depending on the constant type and value. For example, if the constant value is set to 0L, the opcode will be set to lconst0.


public LoadInstruction xload()
Load a local variable onto the stack. This instruction will result in a nop until its type and local index are set.


public LoadInstruction iload()
Load an int local variable onto the stack. This instruction will result in a nop until its local index is set.


public LoadInstruction lload()
Load a long local variable onto the stack. This instruction will result in a nop until its local index is set.


public LoadInstruction fload()
Load a float local variable onto the stack. This instruction will result in a nop until its local index is set.


public LoadInstruction dload()
Load a double local variable onto the stack. This instruction will result in a nop until its local index is set.


public LoadInstruction aload()
Load an object local variable onto the stack. This instruction will result in a nop until its local index is set.


public StoreInstruction xstore()
Store a value from the stack into a local variable. This instruction will result in a nop until its type and local index are set.


public StoreInstruction istore()
Store an int value from the stack into a local variable. This instruction will result in a nop until its local index is set.


public StoreInstruction lstore()
Store a long value from the stack into a local variable. This instruction will resultin a nop until its local index is set.


public StoreInstruction fstore()
Store a float value from the stack into a local variable. This instruction will result in a nop until its local index is set.


public StoreInstruction dstore()
Store a double value from the stack into a local variable. This instruction will result in a nop until its local index is set.


public StoreInstruction astore()
Store an object value from the stack into a local variable. This instruction will result in a nop until its local index is set.


public RetInstruction ret()
Add the ret opcode, used in implementing finally clauses.


public IIncInstruction iinc()
Add the iinc opcode.


public WideInstruction wide()
Add the wide opcode.


public ArrayLoadInstruction xaload()
Load an array value onto the stack. This instruction will result in a nop until its type is set.


public ArrayLoadInstruction iaload()
Load an int array value onto the stack; the iaload opcode.


public ArrayLoadInstruction laload()
Load a long array value onto the stack; the laload opcode.


public ArrayLoadInstruction faload()
Load a float array value onto the stack; the faload opcode.


public ArrayLoadInstruction daload()
Load a double array value onto the stack; the daload opcode.


public ArrayLoadInstruction aaload()
Load an object array value onto the stack; the aaload opcode.


public ArrayLoadInstruction baload()
Load a byte array value onto the stack; the baload opcode.


public ArrayLoadInstruction caload()
Load a char array value onto the stack; the caload opcode.


public ArrayLoadInstruction saload()
Load a short array value onto the stack; the saload opcode.


public ArrayStoreInstruction xastore()
Store a value from the stack into an array. This instruction will result in a nop until its type is set.


public ArrayStoreInstruction iastore()
Store an int value from the stack into an array; the iastore opcode.


public ArrayStoreInstruction lastore()
Store a long value from the stack into an array; the lastore opcode.


public ArrayStoreInstruction fastore()
Store a float value from the stack into an array; the fastore opcode.


public ArrayStoreInstruction dastore()
Store a double value from the stack into an array; the dastore opcode.


public ArrayStoreInstruction aastore()
Store an object value from the stack into an array; the aastore opcode.


public ArrayStoreInstruction bastore()
Store a byte value from the stack into an array; the bastore opcode.


public ArrayStoreInstruction castore()
Store a char value from the stack into an array; the castore opcode.


public ArrayStoreInstruction sastore()
Store a short value from the stack into an array; the sastore opcode.


public StackInstruction pop()
The pop opcode.


public StackInstruction pop2()
The pop2 opcode.


public StackInstruction dup()
The dup opcode.


public StackInstruction dupx1()
The dupx1 opcode.


public StackInstruction dupx2()
The dupx2 opcode.


public StackInstruction dup2()
The dup2 opcode.


public StackInstruction dup2x1()
The dup2x1 opcode.


public StackInstruction dup2x2()
The dup2x2 opcode.


public StackInstruction swap()
The swap opcode.


public MathInstruction math()
Perform some math operation on the stack items. This instruction will result in a nop until its operation and type are set.


public MathInstruction xadd()
Add the top two stack values. This instruction will result in a nop until its type is set.


public MathInstruction iadd()
Add the top two stack int values; the iadd opcode.


public MathInstruction ladd()
Add the top two stack long values; the ladd opcode.


public MathInstruction fadd()
Add the top two stack float values; the fadd opcode.


public MathInstruction dadd()
Add the top two stack double values; the dadd opcode.


public MathInstruction xsub()
Subtract the top two stack values. This instruction will result in a nop until its type is set.


public MathInstruction isub()
Subtract the top two stack int values; the isub opcode.


public MathInstruction lsub()
Subtract the top two stack long values; the lsub opcode.


public MathInstruction fsub()
Subtract the top two stack float values; the fsub opcode.


public MathInstruction dsub()
Subtract the top two stack double values; the dsub opcode.


public MathInstruction xmul()
Multiply the top two stack values. This instruction will result in a nop until its type is set.


public MathInstruction imul()
Multiply the top two stack int values; the imul opcode.


public MathInstruction lmul()
Multiply the top two stack long values; the lmul opcode.


public MathInstruction fmul()
Multiply the top two stack float values; the fmul opcode.


public MathInstruction dmul()
Multiply the top two stack double values; the dmul opcode.


public MathInstruction xdiv()
Divide the top two stack values. This instruction will result in a nop until its type is set.


public MathInstruction idiv()
Divide the top two stack int values; the idiv opcode.


public MathInstruction ldiv()
Divide the top two stack long values; the ldiv opcode.


public MathInstruction fdiv()
Divide the top two stack float values; the fdiv opcode.


public MathInstruction ddiv()
Divide the top two stack double values; the ddiv opcode.


public MathInstruction xrem()
Take the remainder of the top two stack values. This instruction will result in a nop until its type is set.


public MathInstruction irem()
Take the remainder of the top two int stack values; the irem opcode.


public MathInstruction lrem()
Take the remainder of the top two long stack values; the lrem opcode.


public MathInstruction frem()
Take the remainder of the top two float stack values; the frem opcode.


public MathInstruction drem()
Take the remainder of the top two double stack values; the drem opcode.


public MathInstruction xneg()
Negate the top stack value. This instruction will result in a nop until its type is set.


public MathInstruction ineg()
Negate the top stack int value; the ineg opcode.


public MathInstruction lneg()
Negate the top stack long value; the lneg opcode.


public MathInstruction fneg()
Negate the top stack float value; the fneg opcode.


public MathInstruction dneg()
Negate the top stack double value; the dneg opcode.


public MathInstruction xshl()
Shift the top stack values. This instruction will result in a nop until its type is set.


public MathInstruction ishl()
Shift the top stack int values; the ishl opcode.


public MathInstruction lshl()
Shift the top stack long values; the lshl opcode.


public MathInstruction xshr()
Shift the top stack values. This instruction will result in a nop until its type is set.


public MathInstruction ishr()
Shift the top stack int values; the ishr opcode.


public MathInstruction lshr()
Shift the top stack long values; the lshr opcode.


public MathInstruction xushr()
Shift the top stack values. This instruction will result in a nop until its type is set.


public MathInstruction iushr()
Shift the top stack int values; the iushr opcode.


public MathInstruction lushr()
Shift the top stack long values; the lushr opcode.


public MathInstruction xand()
Take the mathematical and of the top two stack values. This instruction results in a nop until its type is set.


public MathInstruction iand()
Take the mathematical and of the top two stack int values; the iand opcode.


public MathInstruction land()
Take the mathematical and of the top two stack long values; the land opcode.


public MathInstruction xor()
Take the mathematical or of the top two stack values. This instruction results in a nop until its type is set.


public MathInstruction ior()
Take the mathematical or of the top two stack int values; the ior opcode.


public MathInstruction lor()
Take the mathematical or of the top two stack long values; the lor opcode.


public MathInstruction xxor()
Take the mathematical xor of the top two stack values. This instruction results in a nop until its type is set.


public MathInstruction ixor()
Take the mathematical xor of the top two stack int values; the ixor opcode.


public MathInstruction lxor()
Take the mathematical xor of the top two stack long values; the lxor opcode.


public ConvertInstruction convert()
Convert the top stack value to another type. This instruction will result in a nop until the types to convert between are set.


public CmpInstruction xcmp()
Compare the top two stack values. This instruction will result in a nop until its type is set.


public CmpInstruction lcmp()
Compare the top two stack values; the lcmp opcode.


public CmpInstruction fcmpl()
Compare the top two stack values; the fcmpl opcode.


public CmpInstruction fcmpg()
Compare the top two stack values; the fcmpg opcode.


public CmpInstruction dcmpl()
Compare the top two stack values; the dcmpl opcode.


public CmpInstruction dcmpg()
Compare the top two stack values; the dcmpg opcode.


public IfInstruction ifeq()
The ifeq opcode.


public IfInstruction ifne()
The ifne opcode.


public IfInstruction iflt()
The iflt opcode.


public IfInstruction ifge()
The ifge opcode.


public IfInstruction ifgt()
The ifgt opcode.


public IfInstruction ifle()
The ifle opcode.


public IfInstruction ificmpeq()
The ificmpeq opcode.


public IfInstruction ificmpne()
The ificmpne opcode.


public IfInstruction ificmplt()
The ificmplt opcode.


public IfInstruction ificmpge()
The ificmpge opcode.


public IfInstruction ificmpgt()
The ificmpgt opcode.


public IfInstruction ificmple()
The ificmple opcode.


public IfInstruction ifacmpeq()
The ifacmpeq opcode.


public IfInstruction ifacmpne()
The ifacmpne opcode.


public IfInstruction ifnull()
The ifnull opcode.


public IfInstruction ifnonnull()
The ifnonnull opcode.


public JumpInstruction go2()
The go2 opcode.


public JumpInstruction jsr()
The jsr opcode used in implementing finally clauses.


public TableSwitchInstruction tableswitch()
The tableswitch opcode.


public LookupSwitchInstruction lookupswitch()
The lookupswitch opcode.


public ReturnInstruction xreturn()
Return from a method. This method will result in a nop until its type is set.


public ReturnInstruction vreturn()
Return void from a method; the return opcode.


public ReturnInstruction ireturn()
Return an int from a method; the ireturn opcode.


public ReturnInstruction lreturn()
Return a long from a method; the lreturn opcode.


public ReturnInstruction freturn()
Return a float from a method; the freturn opcode.


public ReturnInstruction dreturn()
Return a double from a method; the dreturn opcode.


public ReturnInstruction areturn()
Return an object from a method; the areturn opcode.


public GetFieldInstruction getfield()
Load the value from a field onto the stack; the getfield opcode.


public GetFieldInstruction getstatic()
Load the value from a static field onto the stack; the getstatic opcode.


public PutFieldInstruction putfield()
Place the value of a field onto the stack; the putfield opcode.


public PutFieldInstruction putstatic()
Place the value of a static field onto the stack; the putstatic opcode.


public MethodInstruction invokevirtual()
Invoke a virtual method; the invokevirtual opcode.


public MethodInstruction invokespecial()
Invoke a method non-virtually, as for constructors and superclass methods; the invokespecial opcode.


public MethodInstruction invokeinterface()
Invoke a method on an interface; the invokeinterface opcode.


public MethodInstruction invokestatic()
Invoke a static method; the invokestatic opcode.


public ClassInstruction anew()
Create a new instance of an object; the new opcode.


public ClassInstruction anewarray()
Create a new instance of an object array; the anew opcode.


public ClassInstruction checkcast()
Cast an object on the stack to another type; the checkcast opcode.


public ClassInstruction isinstance()
Test if a stack object is an instance of a class; the instanceof opcode.


public MultiANewArrayInstruction multianewarray()
Create a new multidimensional array; the multianewarray opcode.


public NewArrayInstruction newarray()
Create a new array of a primitive type; the newarray opcode.


public Instruction arraylength()
Get the length of an array on the stack; the arraylength opcode.


public Instruction athrow()
Throw an exception; the athrow opcode.


public MonitorEnterInstruction monitorenter()
The monitorenter opcode.


public MonitorExitInstruction monitorexit()
The monitorexit opcode.


public Instruction[] getInstructions()
Return all the Instructions of this method.


public void acceptVisit(BCVisitor visit)
Description copied from interface: VisitAcceptor
Accept a visit from a BCVisitor, calling the appropriate methods to notify the visitor that it has entered this entity, and to provide it with the proper callbacks for each sub-entity owned by this one.


public LineNumberTable getLineNumberTable(boolean add)
Return line number information for the code. Acts internally through the Attributes interface.

add - if true, a new line number table will be added if not already present
the line number information, or null if none and the add param is set to false


public boolean removeLineNumberTable()
Remove the line number table for the code. Acts internally through the Attributes interface.

true if there was a table to remove


public LocalVariableTable getLocalVariableTable(boolean add)
Return local variable information for the code. Acts internally through the Attributes interface.

add - if true, a new local variable table will be added if not already present
the local variable information, or null if none and the add param is set to false


public boolean removeLocalVariableTables()
Remove the local variable table for the code. Acts internally through the Attributes interface.

true if there was a table to remove


public LocalVariableTypeTable getLocalVariableTypeTable(boolean add)
Return local variable generics information for the code. Acts internally through the Attributes interface.

add - if true, a new local variable type table will be added if not already present
the local variable type information, or null if none and the add param is set to false


public boolean removeLocalVariableTypeTables()
Remove the local variable type table for the code. Acts internally through the Attributes interface.

true if there was a table to remove


public ListIterator listIterator()
Returns another listIterator view of the Instructions in this code block. Useful for performing read-only searches through Instructions without effecting the pointer location of the main code block.

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