Uses of Class

Packages that use BCMethod
serp.bytecode Bytecode Manipuation 
serp.bytecode.visitor Bytecode Visitor 

Uses of BCMethod in serp.bytecode

Methods in serp.bytecode that return BCMethod
 BCMethod BCClass.addDefaultConstructor()
          Convenience method to add a default constructor to this class.
 BCMethod BCClass.declareMethod(BCMethod method)
          Import the information in the given method as a new method of this class.
 BCMethod BCClass.declareMethod(String name, BCClass returnType, BCClass[] paramTypes)
          Add a method to this class.
 BCMethod BCClass.declareMethod(String name, Class returnType, Class[] paramTypes)
          Add a method to this class.
 BCMethod BCClass.declareMethod(String name, String returnType, String[] paramTypes)
          Add a method to this class.
 BCMethod BCClass.getDeclaredMethod(String name)
          Return the declared method with the given name, or null if none.
 BCMethod BCClass.getDeclaredMethod(String name, BCClass[] paramTypes)
          Return the declared method with the given name and parameter types, or null if none.
 BCMethod BCClass.getDeclaredMethod(String name, BCClass returnType, BCClass[] paramTypes)
          Return the declared method with the given name and signature, or null if none.
 BCMethod BCClass.getDeclaredMethod(String name, Class[] paramTypes)
          Return the declared method with the given name and parameter types, or null if none.
 BCMethod BCClass.getDeclaredMethod(String name, Class returnType, Class[] paramTypes)
          Return the declared method with the given name and signature, or null if none.
 BCMethod BCClass.getDeclaredMethod(String name, String[] paramTypes)
          Return the declared method with the given name and parameter types, or null if none.
 BCMethod BCClass.getDeclaredMethod(String name, String returnType, String[] paramTypes)
          Return the declared method with the given name and signature, or null if none.
 BCMethod[] BCClass.getDeclaredMethods()
          Return all methods declared by this class.
 BCMethod[] BCClass.getDeclaredMethods(String name)
          Return all the declared methods with the given name, or an empty array if none.
 BCMethod[] BCClass.getDeclaredMethods(String name, BCClass[] paramTypes)
          Return all declared methods with the given name and parameter types.
 BCMethod[] BCClass.getDeclaredMethods(String name, Class[] paramTypes)
          Return all declared methods with the given name and parameter types.
 BCMethod[] BCClass.getDeclaredMethods(String name, String[] paramTypes)
          Return all declared methods with the given name and parameter types.
 BCMethod MethodInstruction.getMethod()
          Return the method this instruction operates on, or null if not set.
 BCMethod Exceptions.getMethod()
          Return the owning method.
 BCMethod Code.getMethod()
          The owning method.
 BCMethod[] BCClass.getMethods()
          Return the methods of this class, including those of all superclasses, or an empty array if none.
 BCMethod[] BCClass.getMethods(String name)
          Return the methods with the given name, including those of all superclasses, or an empty array if none.
 BCMethod[] BCClass.getMethods(String name, BCClass[] paramTypes)
          Return the methods with the given name and parameter types, including those of all superclasses, or an empty array if none.
 BCMethod[] BCClass.getMethods(String name, Class[] paramTypes)
          Return the methods with the given name and parameter types, including those of all superclasses, or an empty array if none.
 BCMethod[] BCClass.getMethods(String name, String[] paramTypes)
          Return the methods with the given name and parameter types, including those of all superclasses, or an empty array if none.

Methods in serp.bytecode with parameters of type BCMethod
 BCMethod BCClass.declareMethod(BCMethod method)
          Import the information in the given method as a new method of this class.
 boolean BCClass.removeDeclaredMethod(BCMethod method)
          Removes a method from this class.
 void BCClass.setDeclaredMethods(BCMethod[] methods)
          Set the methods for this class; this method is useful for importing all methods from another class.
 MethodInstruction MethodInstruction.setMethod(BCMethod method)
          Set the method this instruction operates on.

Uses of BCMethod in serp.bytecode.visitor

Methods in serp.bytecode.visitor with parameters of type BCMethod
 void PrettyPrintVisitor.enterBCMethod(BCMethod obj)
 void BCVisitor.enterBCMethod(BCMethod obj)
 void PrettyPrintVisitor.exitBCMethod(BCMethod obj)
 void BCVisitor.exitBCMethod(BCMethod obj)

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